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Print a PivotTable report

  1. If you have more than one PivotTable report on the worksheet, set a print area that includes only the report you want to print.


  2. On the File menu, click Page Setup, and adjust the page settings, sheet settings, margins, and headers and footers.
  3. If you want to repeat the row and column labels from the report on each page as print titles, clear the Rows to repeat at top and Columns to repeat at left boxes, and then set PivotTable print titles.


  4. If your report has more than one row field and you want automatic page breaks after each item in one or more outer row fields, set these page breaks.


  5. On the View menu, click Page Break Preview, and make any adjustments you want to the page breaks.

    You can insert new manual page breaks and move and delete automatic page breaks.

  6. On the File menu, click Print Preview, and check your print layout. To make adjustments, you can repeat any of the previous steps as needed.
  7. When the preview looks correct, click Print.